What is Auriculotherapy?
Auriculotherapy, also referred to as Auricular Medicine or Ear Acupuncture, is a healing system that uses points on the auricle (external ear) to treat conditions of the body. Medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, dentists, and laypeople alike routinely see excellent results from properly applied auricular treatments. Auriculotherapy is commonly used for pain control, addictions of all kinds, internal disorders, emotional issues, and a host of other problems.

Your Problem…
Every ear is a little different, and with hundreds of auriculotherapy points on the ear, it’s practically impossible to remember where all of them are and locate them accurately.
It gets even more complex when you start combining points into treatment protocols. You don’t need failed treatments or guesswork, and giving up or just doing something else isn’t the answer. You need to know where the points are and what combinations are effective for specific ailments.
You need it to be accurate, simple, and powerful.
That’s where we come in.
We feel your pain, and we’ve created the solution. Meet Auriculo 360, the world’s best 3D auriculotherapy reference app.
Auriculotherapy is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, an ancient healing art that defines acupuncture points on the body for treatment of various conditions.
In the 1950’s, Dr. Paul Nogier of Lyon, France expanded the original Chinese charts into a more comprehensive system. Whereas the ancient texts showed only a few points for specific conditions, Dr. Nogier’s work demonstrated the ear is actually a micro-map of the entire body, with all body parts represented. Thus, all parts of the body can be evaluated and treated by means of the external ear.
Much of Dr. Nogier’s original work has been verified in numerous research studies, and both Chinese and European systems are based on his work.

Auriculotherapy is used widely for pain control, addictions of all kinds, internal disorders, emotional issues, and a host of other problems. Medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, dentists, and laypeople alike routinely see excellent results from properly applied auricular treatments.
About the Points
The charts shown in this application are based on exhaustive research from a variety of sources. If there were discrepancies in our research, the most authoritative sources were given priority. Because all ears are slightly different, locations shown are approximate and should be verified by palpation or electronic testing. Also note that the exact electrical location of auricular points may move slightly from day to day in the same patient.

Which Points to Treat
The charts in this application show sets of points that MAY be applicable to the given condition. The most effective approach is to only treat the ACTIVE points on any given chart. Active points are located by palpating for tenderness (active points are tender to pressure) or by electrical resistance testing. High-quality auricular treatment devices have a measurement mode to locate active points, and a treatment mode to treat the points when located.
Which Ear to Treat
It is often not necessary or even desirable to treat both ears in the same session. Rather, treat the ear with the most active points from the chart. You can flip the ear on any protocol so that you have an accurate representation of the left and right ear. For acute conditions, it is sometimes advisable to treat both ears. Rely on your intuition and clinical experience to decide what’s best for your patient.
NOTE: certain protocols involving the liver and gallbladder call for treatment of the right ear only. These are noted on the charts.
The World’s Best 3D Auriculotherapy
Reference Software

Treatment Information
Auriculotherapy was first brought to Dr. Nogier’s attention when he saw burn scars on his patients’ ears. A local lay practitioner had given cauterizing treatment and claimed that it would help these patients with their conditions. Dr. Nogier found that the patients with these cauterizations did experience relief from their conditions. However, he discovered that acupuncture needles were even more effective and far less painful than burning.
Today, common forms of auricular treatment include acupuncture needles, focused pressure, lasers, magnets, and electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation has the advantage of also providing electrical detection of active points for precise treatment.
Auriculotherapy, though extremely safe and often beneficial, is NOT a substitute for qualified medical treatment, and should only be undertaken under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. This application is provided “as-is,” for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to ensure the information contained herein is timely and accurate, but inaccuracies may exist. You are solely responsible for the verification and application of this information.